Let It Shine

Let it Shine is a brand new podcast hosted by me, Angie Elkins, that focuses on sanctification over self-help. In season one, I’ll be joined with 4 co-hosts, aka Illuminators, as we unpack how we continue to pursue growth in mind, body, and spirit. We invite you to listen and join the conversation!

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Angie Elkins Angie Elkins

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There are times that you just want to pinch yourself about a guest and an interview, and today is one of those times. We’re going all the way back to high school today, as I welcome my high school English teacher from Memphis, TN to the show today. This interview was so special, I invited Lainie to join me so we could both be a part of this conversation with this woman who impacted our lives so greatly during those formidable years. After all these years of writing, Shari finally wrote and published her first book. You’ll hear us talk about the good ole’ days, but you’ll also be encouraged by the wisdom that teaching high school English for 40 years, as well as being a pastor’s wife for all of that time has brought our dear Mrs. Ray. This is just a feel good conversation…and I’m so glad you are here for it.

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Angie Elkins Angie Elkins

S6 | E195

I’m so excited to welcome back to chatologie today my friend Whitney Capps of Simple Seminary and author of the book, Sick of Me. Whitney and I have been friends since I hosted 6 special episodes for the premiere of her book. Since then, we’ve experience a lot of life, most recently her receiving a cancer diagnosis, facing surgery, chemo and so much more. When life’s circumstances just stink and you find yourself in a season of suffering, this show is for you. This is a can’t miss conversation…and I’m so glad you are here for it.

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Angie Elkins Angie Elkins

S6 | E194

I’m so excited to welcome back to chatologie today Amy Hannon of Euna Mae’s. I have loved Amy’s first cookbook, Love, Welcome, Serve and cook recipes from it for my family all the time! Amy, being the queen of hospitality, has written a new book, Gather and Give. God didn’t suggest, but commanded us to be hospitable and love our neighbors. And unlike Amy’s first cookbook, this book is different and will really bless you with scriptural teaching about why we are to gather and give to others in community. Listen in today to the most fun and funny conversation between two friends, and consider sharing this episdode with that friend you love to share great recipes with…and I’m so glad you’re here for it.

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